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Massaging Women Vs Massaging Men

At risk of stating the obvious: Men and Women bodies are different. Yes I know, Even a visual impaired man could have told you that fact.

But in all seriousness, what is commonly experienced when going to some massage therapist is that they may not know the differences or may not know how to personalise their massage based on your body's needs. At best this could be quite discomforting in a relaxing massage. At worst this could hurt your body more than supporting it heal.

Man and woman getting a massage

You won't need to be oblivious to the differences anymore. whether you are a professional massage therapist, or simply a devoted lover who desired to give their loved one a great massage experience, the following are the 3 differences that you need to know between massaging Women and massaging Men:

1. Massaging Women vs Men: Touch Sensitivity

Foca Yariv from the Tara Yoga centre (in London) once gave the analogy. 'Touching a woman [in terms of sensitivity] is like as if she doesn't even have skin on, while touching a man is like as if he is wearing a space suit!'.

Though with a slight hyperbole the above analogy is a good example in the difference of touch sensitivity. Women, when in their feminine element, are more sensitive to touch, the pressures of touch and even the intention and emotions behind the touch.

Ladies, if you've tried to explain this to your man and he gives you that look of confusion as if you are telling him to jump from a 30 storey building and then teleport back into the room midfall. I know how you feel. let me see if I can explain it better.

Confused man
Sometimes it takes a building to unconfuse the man.

When Massaging a Woman, she can feel the emotions and thoughts you are holding when you touch her. If you feel attentive and nurturing focus, as well as admiration to her feminine beauty and gratitude of her divine sublimity, Then she will for sure feel that nurturing and loving energy that is coming from you. It also helps her body to heal, relax and be rejuvenated after the massage. If this isn't magic, I don't know what is.

Thus when massaging women, it is always important for you to be in the right state of mind (meditating before the massage always helps), and in the right emotional state. If your mind is filled with worries and stresses, then I would recommend that you postpone the massage.

However When massaging men, in general they are less sensitive to delicate touch compared to women. Especially if your man is just coming from a battle in the office or the garage. That does not mean you should disregard being sensitive to their body. Rather men take a longer time to open up their sensitivity to touch, and the more stressful that day has been to the man the longer it is.

2. Massaging Women vs Men: Pressure

Just like there is a difference in sensitivity, there is also a great difference in the areas of pressure and variations required in between moving around those areas. As a general rule (for both sexes) you would not apply the exact same pressure to all parts of the body. Can you imagine applying the same pressure on a woman's nipples as you would on her buttocks? Count yourself luck if you don't get slapped!

Woman slapping Man
That's not how you want the night to end

However the biggest difference between Men and Women, is that that variation of pressure is more fluid and dynamic in women than in men.

When massaging a woman you need to be extra sensitive to the pressures which her body likes. This in fact varies depending on her mood, feelings, menstrual cycle, and any stresses which she has faced in her day. There are also variations with every inch you take across her body. And if you are massaging the same woman, the pressure you applied yesterday may not be the same pressure you can apply today! Hence tuning into her body every time is vital. (I'll be writing on how to attune to a woman's body in the future).

Whereas in a man's body those variations are not as drastic in range of pressure and complexity compared to a Woman's body. Men need a much stronger pressure consistently throughout their bodies with minuscule variation between the muscles. The positive side of this is that it can make them simpler to massage. The other side of this, is that it can tire you out very quickly. It's like asking you to go and curl 20kg dumbbells by moving your hands only.

3. Massaging Women vs Men: Range of Motion

This is often overlooked, but there is a difference between the range of motion that is effective in a woman's body and in a man's body. By range of motion I mean how far you would need to move your hand across the body once you've made contact. example is, if you placed your hand on her shoulder, how far do you massage without breaking contact?

Women feel better when you apply a longer range of motion, massaging and connecting different parts of her body at the same time. Once you've massaged her back, thighs, calves and feet. Don't just simply leave them there! But rather apply a range of motion that covers a single contact from her feet to her neck using both your hands and your entire body motion. This helps circulating her energy throughout her body and allows her to relax even further, promoting her healing and rejuvenation.

Whereas for men, a more focused approach works best. Massaging each muscle area without large ranges of motion. But a more intense focus and greater pressure between the muscle fibers. it does not mean that some men won't enjoy a large range of motion. but rather, it would be less impactful, and will first require the man to be in a very relaxed state which would not happen without the focused short range motions first.

gym weights
The tools you need to massage a man


These My friends are the three major difference between massaging women and massaging men which you can keep in mind. Touch sensitivity, Pressure, and Range of Motion. In fact, knowing and applying these difference in the right way alone, can make a difference between a great massage and a discomforting one. Yet bear in mind that these are general guidelines of the differences between the sexes. It does still remain that there will be differences between every man and woman. It is important that you are attuned to their body and their reaction to your touch.

If you have enjoyed this article, then share it with your friends and loved ones that they may have a better idea on how to give you a great massage when you need one the most.

I do personally provide unique massage services to wherever you are in London that are not available anywhere else on the market. If you would like to know more about the services that I offer then you can book straight away from the buttons below.

As always, thank you for reading. I wish you healing, love and prosperity wherever you are in life.

May all your healing lead you to The Way.


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