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The Massage that every groom needs!


So you've managed to be one of the lucky one's who've found love. Not only that, but soon you'll also be one of the few tying the knot into forever love. but then again, you could also be that dedicated supporting friend who's trying help his friend who's running around arranging the wedding plans and trying not to lose his mind in the progress of making choices.

Well whoever you are on that love journey. Here are the most important areas to massage before the wedding:

Please note: The following massage is for a warm body stress reaction which is most common among men. some react very coldly to stress or anxiety. I'll be writing on the difference between the reactions soon. stay tuned.

1. The first area from a groom massage is: the back of the shoulder blades:

Shoulder blades

The back of the shoulder blades are a good place to start. The shoulders absorb a lot of stress in men. Massaging the shoulder blades area is best to create fast relaxation in the shoulders and their ability to connect with the rest of the body. In addition, since you want to look good in that wedding suit, easing the tension in that area will help you keep your shoulders rolled back and give you a very masculine pose.

Use your thumb in a circular motion to massage the areas around the shoulder blades and the muscles which the blades connect to. Starting from the middle of the blade connection, then circling down to the edge of the blades before circle up towards the top, then circle back to the bottom again. Repeat this motion until you feel the tension in the shoulders relaxed. Be careful not to apply heavy pressure, as these connective tissues can be sensitive to high levels of pressure and will cause pain and discomfort rather than relaxation.

2. The shoulder joints:

For the same reasons as the above, it is excellent to combine a shoulder blade massage with the shoulder joints.

This area in a man's body can take more pressure and when applied in the right angle it can be very relaxing. Apply the pressure in a diagonal motion that towards the direction of the connective joint that connects the shoulder to the rest of the arms. Combine massaging the shoulder joints with the deltoid muscles. Apply the pressure using your fingers in a circular motion in a downward direction. You can also use the base of your palm to massage the deltoid muscles downward towards the direction of the hands.

3. The Back of the spine connecting the spine to the hips:

Bad Back pain

Another important area to massage is the back of the spine leading to the hips. For a very simple reason, you don't want to be that groom who is too stiff dancing or walking to altar, complaining of his bad back!

Man with a bad back
That's not what you want to look like on your big day

To massage this area, Push up with your hands from the 'glutes maximus' until you reach the dip between the hips and the back. Once you feel that area, turn your hands until your fingers are perpendicular to the spine and your wrist is facing outward away from the body. Then firmly apply pressure in a direction away from the body towards the 'external oblique'. Repeat this between 4-10 times. Depending on the man, this area can hold a lot of stress and pressure through out the day. massaging this area before the wedding will help the groom feel ready and refreshed for the big day.

4. The Calf Muscles:

Standing up and walking around all day, pacing back and forth while being on the phone. And even shopping the entire day for the right wedding outfit and invitation cards and all the endless wedding lists. This area can become very exhausted which will impact the groom's strength and movement in the wedding, and his ability to hold the audience. The last thing you want is to be limping to the altar.

Calf muscles pain

You can massage this area by applying pressure with the tips of your fingers. Start from the base centre of the calf with both thumbs applying medium - hard pressure depending on the tension and stress levels the groom has faced. Go up with your thumbs to the top of the calves then branch out to the edges of the 'gastrocnemius muscles' (calf muscles) pulling downward until you've reached the base centre where you've started from. Repeat this 5-7 times on each leg with varying speed and pressure.

5. The connective area around the Chest:

In Anatomical terms this area is called Pectoralis Major. Yet you are not massaging this exact muscle, but rather the centre of the chest and the areas around the rib cage. Pressure in this area regulates the depth of the breathing, which in turn impact the level of relaxation. When we face anxiety, these areas comes to hold a lot of tension, and they constrict. Thus leading to less breathing depth, which then simply creates a cycle of tension and anxiety.

chest muscles

Hence, the best way to massage this are is to apply low pressure by using the blade of your hands. (the area you think of when you imagine someone hand chopping wood). You can start from the centre of the chest positioning your hand in a prayer like position and go down separating each hand to go under the rib area simultaneously. Repeat this around 5 or more times until you feel that the chest has relaxed and the groom is breathing deeply again.



Congratulations for reaching all the way here! I hope you apply what you have learnt today. Either get a friend to massage those key areas for you, or find a well experienced therapist.

If you live in London or the surrounding area, preparing for your wedding make sure that you have a great massage so that you are ready for your big day. I provide two options of a 1.5 hr Massage and a full body 3hr Massage, so that you can bring forth your best on your wedding day.

click on the links below for more information and too book the service.

I wish you the best on your big day, and till we meet again.


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