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The Miracle called: Woman


Sometimes, it is hard to think of yourself as a miracle. And very often many places in our current society has reduced the value of what is it to be a woman. Where any one can 'identify' as a chair or a lamp or a woman, and somehow that makes them a woman. It can feel like being robbed of who you are and all your joys and pains, by someone who thinks in their mind they can replicate that and win all the accolades and recognition.

Many things get under attack by a society cheapening the value of womanhood and not recognising the miracle within it which no 'identification' can turn a someone into.

And here, i would like to make a reminder and a recognition of this miracle. Perhaps you may have forgotten it when the world told you something else. Or no one has previously held this mirror in front of you to show you who you are and what you can be. For when we stop trying to fit women in a particular box or idea or model, then the world of women, in all its complexity and art work, will blossom in front of us as a society today. I fully know that in these few lines, that I would not be able to capture the full magnificence of all that there is.

Many poets, philosophers and artists before me have made their mark and wrote their words, with an attempt to capture a glimpse of what they see through their art. I aim not to out do any of them. But to simply add to the works written before me. That I may remind you of a fraction of who you are, in a world and time which seems to have forgotten.


A Tapestry of Art:

Her beauty can always fill you with awe!

There are certain pieces of art that are of simple composition and can be recognised for their simple beauty. While there are other pieces of art that are of a very complex and sublime beauty that it takes a long time to fully identify how all the colours merge together and how all the shades intertwine with one another. Have you ever been in nature up a hill or mountain and looked around you? How all the colours merge together creating a sublime experience which many go to see again and again.

Just like this complex tapestry of nature is, so are you, so are all women. A sublime movement and art which changes and is ever evolving ever moving and growing with time. Shifting year by year, experience by experience. Emotion by Emotion, and just like with nature, you always stumble upon a place and a view which you've never seen before and did not know existed there. So is the case with you. There are elements which you've somehow discovered that you did not know were there. You've seen a part of you that was hidden like a secret garden from the world. Such is the case of your tapestry, such is the case of your life, and such is the case of your beauty. What felt good to you today, doesn't necessarily may feel good to you tomorrow. Some lesser men may call you unpredictable or too much to deal with. But the troubles here do not lie in you, they lie in the man for not being in a space and a place of mind to be attuned to your body and your feelings in the moment.

This tapestry of beauty belongs to every woman. but in many ways and in many times of this world, men became afraid of this tapestry, they thought that they would not be able to encompass or understand what they see, and therefore they cannot hold nor allow for this beaty to blossom. And so the darker side of men took over them, and they began to control life, to control beauty, control love.

Remember, don't be afraid or ashamed of the complex tapestry of your being. Observe it, learn about it, embody it in your life. And let your sublimity shine in with who you are.


A calling beacon:

Woman Miracle
A calling Beacon

At the heart of every woman, since she was ever a little girl, is a beacon calling in the world to be seen, to be heard, to be valued and to be loved for the expression of the divine feminine which she embodies. It is in many ways the responsibility of the father to see his little girl, be there for her, to accept her and listen to her. For when she grows up, then she'll know what it feels like to be valued, seen and taken care of. However, when the father fails to see, listen and be there for his little girl. Then she grows up not knowing what it feels like to be seen, accepted and loved.

And sadly in a generation which we are living in, there's a crisis of fatherhood. Many fathers did not grow up as boys in a loving and empowering environment, and in that they did not develop or understand what it is like to father another in a healthy and loving environment. But simply replicated the same environment which they have lived in before.

Thus this lead to the environment and the crisis which are seeing today. Many young men and women, not being seen. Confused by a messages which tells them they can be the wrong person in the wrong body. Not having emotional connection with the people around them. and simply living in a confusion crying out to be seen.

And that lives on. In The heart of every woman, is a beacon calling. For when another gives their attention, presences and focus. with the intensity and love for her being the only being in the world in that moment. A Miracle begins to happen. The body opens up, the mind lightens, and the heart sings with joy. It is hard to imagine such a feeling unless you have felt it before. But when you feel it, you can never forget it.

Thus, if you are a woman, feel and see this beacon. Give your self the love and connection which you deserve and all the parts of you crave for. While if you are man, then I hope that you take these words, and see the women in your life with the depth, connection and care in the very moments which you interact with them. Be present, Be loving and be ever caring.


A conclusion that concludes nothing:

Yet with the fraction of words which are written, I am concluding nothing. Even if some of us were to write from dusk to dawn, for another 100 years about all the element which we know that belong to women, we know we would not be able to encompass the divine feminine for all that she is.

divine feminine

Yet I hope that in these few words, I have reminded you, if you have forgotten, of some of who you are. And I hope that in this journey of self-rediscovery, that you reconnect with yourself, with your divine essence, and continue to remember who you are.

Until we meet again,

May the truth lead you to The Way


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