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The Modern Masculine dilemma

Lion crying

Inside the heart of every single man, is a lion, roaring to be heard. A Lion which is waiting patiently despite the pressures of society. despite the conditioning of his childhood. despite all the fears which are being instilled in him from birth. He is still sitting there, waiting, watching, crying.

We men are facing a great struggle in our times. We feel like we are becoming a dying breed that should be placed on the WWF for being an endangered species. We feel that our father's suppress our instincts because of their personal shadows for not growing up being empowered in their masculine. Our mother's suppressed us for their fear of our masculine powers. women feel like we are going to supress them with our strength when all that we wish for is to care take them and be there to support them in their divine femininity. We men feel the pressures of the entire world pushing us further and further away from who we are. breaking us down with every breath we take, with every bite of food we eat, and with everything we say.

Becoming in our masculine nature has now become a cardinal sin in many places. and we die every day. Not because of disease or famine. But because of being alone in our masculinity.

This is where we see the modern masculine dilemma. We either become nice guys, obeying what we are being told, following the path like everyone else. Living in a confusion with how we are to interact with women. Then at the end of the day, get a 'good boy' pat on our heads. get our pay check. Then go to sleep, broken suffering the call which we feel inside everyday. And when that call gets too loud, we feel that it will threaten the status quo which we are living in, get us the 'bad boy' scolding. We become afraid, and drown that voice again with a keg of beer.

Whereas if we choose to become the man we know we in our hearts are to be. we get pushed away. If we challenge nonsensical authority, we get beaten. If we choose to be gentlemen, modern feminist spit at us. Yet we feel that peace inside for being who we are. But also the pain that other's are pushing against the authentic, caring, loving and strong masculine which we embody in our manhood. And in that we may suffer alone.

Boy suffering Alone


If you are a Man out there reading this. I know that you are already familiar with these feelings and this pain. If you are a woman reading this, I hope you may now understand some of the struggle and the pain which your father, husband, brother and friend are struggling with.

Yet my message is, that if you are out there, a man waiting, wanting, feeling the pain and the struggle and the challenge against your manhood. I want you to know that you are not alone. There are men also, wanting to be a part of the tribe, a part of the brotherhood. To grow in both authenticity, personal empowerment and love.

Whatever your pain and who ever you are feel free to write it down in the comments. Share this with other men in your life, let us spread the connection and the strength. For only together can we rise again.

Until we speak again,

May your truth lead you to the way,



Ruins of Cistercian Abbey

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